31 July, 2012

whitehaus is fab!

i know you guys will remember kat from this this & this post.

well, my other friends are slackers when compared to her, obviously.....

just the other day, a number of the pieces that she makes for her accessories line whitehaus were featured on the new online website fab.com, and i wanted you guys to get a stab at buying one or two....

i am particularly obsessed with the layer chain necklaces, and can never decide which one i want to buy...

but these are a couple of my favorite....

and i love these two styles, as well....

sigh. they're all so pretty.....

fortunately, fab.com has them all on sale at about 25% off the regular, very reasonable price!

so, you've got about fifteen hours left to grab one or more.....


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this, Jessica!
    Just now seeing this:)
