17 January, 2012


i've mostly gotten over the crazy nail art trend that's been sweeping the nation.

so, personally, i'm back on the solid nail color tip.


although i've mostly left my gothic style sensibilities where they belong, back in high school in '91, my grown up (black) heart couldn't help but flutter a little, when i saw this totally luxurious range of inky polishes from...

love these, as i do, it seems a little indulgent to invest so deeply into the nether regions of color. i know that it's dark and cold in certain parts of the world, but here in southern california, it's still warm and sunny....

a little bit of sullen contrast is good for a girl, but ten different blacks? maybe this is not what i need for the start of 2012.

lucky for me, strangebeautiful has five different "volumes", all inspired by such influences as josef albers, oscar wilde, knoll fabrics, "the dull red color of a lobster shell immediately after it has been removed from boiling water", the belly of a pigeon & aged armagnac:


decisions, decisions.

i'm leaning toward "volume 2", at the top left of the grid, above.

what's your favorite?

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