05 May, 2011

cute land


the most fun thing happened yesterday.....

randomly, i got invite for a quick tour around the offices of:

i don't think i can even imagine a more fun looking place to work. can you?

there are literally fun and crafty things every where you look, and almost every surface is painted in a bright color, or a collection of them.

incidentally, every single human who works there seems like they are ecstatic about their jobs, and cheerily offered us a tour at 8:45 pm, long after most of us would have run screaming from our own offices.

my absolute favorite thing? each conference room is named after a band, and a food. nope, not a band or a food... a combo of both. if you look at the photo, above, you'll see a beautifully hand written card, welcoming you to.... lil kimchee. at etsy, you can also call a meeting that takes place in.... slayer cake, or (my personal favorite) wutang clams!!! wutang clams is the room in the first photo, behind the orange etsy curtains.

although i only spent 15 or 20 minutes in the office space, per se, i was super inspired to find or make a work space to share with like-minded people, every day...

yes, etsy, indeed. do stay handmade!


  1. He he, a friend of a friend is the CEO- i have some funny stories for you!! axx

  2. omg!!!!!! it's like going to willy wonka's.
